? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
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Sunday, June 7, 2009

We Barked it!

Trying to keep the neighborhood cats out of our flower beds is an ongoing problem. We are putting bark in this year, hoping it will help. So far so good. If it continues to work it will be a good solution for everyone. We don't want to harm the cat's, so we are trying this. A few more beds to do and a lot more money and we'll have it. Yea for us if it solves our problem. Wish us luck.


Joy Heather said...

I put pebbles around a lot of mine..they hate them even more and a childrens windmills around in the wind..they dont like the noise they make (do you know what i mean ??..the ones on sticks that they can carry around)...i put them on my flower beds My cats dont like them...i have left them a patch of soil at the top of the garden & i clean it up every day, they usually just do it in that one space, but it is a nuisance when other folks cats come and mess the garden..i dont have that problem as my old boy chases other cats off if he sees them..hes still leader of the pack even at 20.

Dreamer said...

I is always hard to be the corner house. What to do with the corner? You did a great job, looks nice!