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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Choco Taco Day!

Nearly every day the Ice Cream Truck goes by and sometimes we make it to the curb before they are gone and out of sight. Today we ended our day with the Choco Taco. Yum!!! Thanks Jim. The perfect treat for the ending of a good day.


Joy Heather said...

I love Chicolate Ice cream ( i love Chocolate anything !!) is Taco a sort of wafer shell ??...we have wafers here, but not Taco's (well not in Tamworth any way)..they sound lovely, we dont seem to have as many ice cream vans as we used to...mind you the area where i live there are not many Children...i think the ice cream men seem to go to the places where the kids live..cant blame them i suppose..but it would be nice to enjoy one in the hot weather without having to go to the shops to get them.

Dreamer said...

Yum! I love Choco Taco's! I love ice cream! We don't have an ice cream truck out here. We will have to stock up on some. Jim's funny!!!

Me said...

Choco-tacos are evil, and I love them!! I want one right now. Im not kidding. Im running out to get in the truck right after I type this!! yummmmmmmmm!!!