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Monday, June 1, 2009

Interesting Bushes

I admire people who take the time to do these sculptures. This takes years to accomplish. These are done each year now and we enjoy them very much. I hope you do too.


Joy Heather said...

The are great..i love to see them too..must get my camera out and go around the village, there are usually some folk who take the trouble to do this here as well...i imagine it is quite difficult to do...i think over here we call it Topiary ??..not sure if its the same in the U.S.

Joy Heather said...

I tried to cut one into a round shape once..i couldn't even do that properly..it looked all lopsided and very scruffy LOL.

Dreamer said...

I love the talent behind those bushes. I would love to try that. Great pictures, sis!