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Sunday, June 7, 2009

More Squirrel Pics.

It's afternoon now and here they are again. This is the second time today I have blogged about our Squirrels but how could you not take pictures and share them. They are letting me get within a few feet of them. However they won't take food from us yet. Rob tried to give one a peanut and it took off along the fence. Its an honor to have them here and we are enjoying them very much.


Joy Heather said...

I bet eventually you will be able to feed them from your hand..they will get so used to you..The ones in Tamworth Castle grounds really love McDonalds Fries..they sit and eat them in front of you and come so close if you have got any food with you..especially Fries..i MUST take my camera next time i go down there...Yours are already getting close they are so lovely.

Dreamer said...

We have no squirrles here. I'm not sure if I like them or not! They look cute. The one at your Mom's house is fun to watch, maybe I would like just one!