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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quilt Top

This was supposed to be a different pattern, but I cut some of my material wrong and ended up with this much smaller top. I at least feel ok that I was able to utilize the material. This much is done, but it was such a struggle for me that I have put it away for awhile. I love to sew but get stressed when I goof like I did with this piece. You helped me stick with it Sis. Thanks, I'm glad I did.


Dreamer said...

You did a great job! It looks so cozy! I am still just looking at a huge pile of fabric, it grows while I sleep. I am ready to get with it and will blog as I go. You inspire me to get it done! Thanks, love sis

Joy Heather said...

That quilt looks lovely Sharon..you must have worked so hard..i wish i could do things like that..Kerry makes wonderful ones..the one she made for me still has pride of place in my bedroom..but when the weather gets cold like this..i bring it downstairs and wrap up in it at night..its lovely..you are both clever ladies.

Me said...

You did a great job on your quilt Auntie. It looks great in the picture and even better in person!! :)