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Friday, October 2, 2009

A Bit Scarrey

Lately I have been unable to think of common things and names of things and people. My mind goes blank and I find myself feeling a bit scarred. I have to ask sometimes for someone else to help think of these things for me. Anyway I will read more and think more about what I'm doing and hope I do better. It does'nt happen all the time but enough that it bothers me.


Joy Heather said...

Sharon i feel for you so much...i have exactly the same problem..it worries me so much that sometimes i can't sleep at night..i keep trying to remember things to get my brain working...i forgot the way to my sons house a few months ago, and he lives in the same town just 5 minutes away, i just came back into the house & cried.
Eventually it came back to me & i drove down there, but i often forget when i have arranged to meet friends & im always forgetting names, in the end i went to the Doctors, as i was so worried and scared..she is sure it is stress related..but i am worried it may be something else...so i have asked for a scan. do go to the Doctors Sharon they may be able to put your mind at ease..i will be thinking of you & hope its just something simple. My Doc did say a certain amount of short term memory loss is normal as we get older..but forgetting the way to my sons house was a big worry to me...i do feel better since i have had a few stressful problems dealt with though.

From My House to Yours said...

It's always good to hear from you Joy. Thank You for writing. It is a worry, but I agree with you, some of it is old age and some is probably stress. I'm sorry to hear you are having the same problem. All we can do is excecise our minds and keep trudging ahead. I have an appointment with my Doctor this week to discuss it. I think when I panic about it, it gets worse. I don't know. You take care Joy. Let us know how you are doing, and keep writing. I love to hear from you.

Dreamer said...

I was just talking about this. I told Howard I am so scared at night. I have done this most of my life, but I had a small break and now it's back. I have the feeling a dark something is after me. I know it is mostly stress. I sleep about three hours now and am not able to do much thinking or work. I thought I was the only one who feels this way. I am sorry to hear you both are going through the same thing.