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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our First Snow

We had a big surprise this morning. Our first snow and it's still snowing. As you can see our new trees were laying over pretty good. A wet snow.Yesterday we wrapped our room and just in time. Today Jim will run a new electrical line out so we can add a heater this year. It rained last night , so we thought that would be it. Here are a few pictures. Love it. So pretty. Summer is officially over.


Joy Heather said...

Those snow pics are lovely..i have just been looking at Kerry's, she as got loads as well..i do love snow..but only as long as i haven't got to go out....i can see that you weren't expecting it..because your Barbie is still out there. Is snow early over there this year ?..we dont usually get it until very late December or usually early January nowadays over here....When i was a kid we often had white Christmas's..but that was a long time ago now its often not until the new year...nice pics.

Dreamer said...

Nice pictures sis! The snow is mostly gone now and we have mud! I need to do more walkways. I love the snow when it is falling!!!

Me said...

Its making me cold just looking at those pictures!! brrrrrrrrrr