? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Auction and Flea Market

This weekend our family got together and went to an Auction-Flea Market. What fun! It was nice to get out and spend some time together. We(Me,Jim,Rob) had never been to an Auction before. We had no idea how it worked, but loved watching Sis and Brother bidding. This is what we got. The table is just what I've been looking for to go beside the chair Sis gave me awhile back. Perfect. The Swans, Rob got me. Thank You Rob, and the beer sign is for our deck. The orange Butterfly dish I bought at the flea market, just because I already had one and thought I needed another. We're ready to go again. Thanks for the nice day everyone.


Dreamer said...

We did have a great time! I am happy to see you got some good stuff. What fun!!!!

Joy Heather said...

I used to love Auctions..haven't been to one for a while though as the local one as stopped..i must find another one & go again. Its good to see all the things you brought...i thought the beer was a bottle at first.....i love that its very quirky..the sort of thing i would put on my deck if i had one...Glad you all enjoyed yourselves.