? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Damask Floored? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??35 Grabs Today. 963 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Blue Ele BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Todays Catch

Jim and Rob went fishing today and caught some nice ones. They are all going tomorrow. I love when the guys can get together and do something they all enjoy so much. Top to bottom. Robs then Jims. Everybody, have a great day tomorrow.

Trick or Treat

This was our only Trick or Treater. His name is Dexter. He started showing up at our front door several months ago, begging to get in. He lives a couple of blocks from us. The first time he visited, it was quite a process finding his owner. When we did, I called her and she came for him right away. He is a beautiful little Yorkie. Every once in awhile he escapes. She calls him Houdini. He always comes straight to us. Tonight we heard something at the door and thinking it was Trick or Treaters, Rob went to the door and here came Dex like a shot. We no longer have to call the owner, she just comes to get him now when she realizes he's missing. He's such a tiny little guy, I'm glad he comes here so we can keep him safe. We havn't seen him for a couple of months and it was nice that he came (Home) .
It looks like he may be spending the night. All is quite now, the kids are done Trick or Treating and it's bed time.

New Butterfly Plate

Thank You Rob for my new plate. Now I'm on a mission to find the other colors. I love these plates. It was very thoughtful of you to think of me. Love You Lots, Mom


Last week Jim went to get impressions for Dentures. This picture is hanging right inside the door as you enter the office.

That Old Saying

I just stared laughing when I saw this. The only thing that came to mind was that old saying. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Two Left

The Squirrels are all but gone now, except this one and a baby. We are still feeding them peanuts and walnuts and they are packing them away almost as fast as we fill the tray. They will bury them and hopefully have a good stock for the Winter months.


Every morning when we sit out in the deck to have our coffee, our dogs and cat join us. It's our time to relax before Jim has to work and time for their morning treats. This is Molly dancing for her treat. Something she started on her own a few days ago.

Quilt Top

This was supposed to be a different pattern, but I cut some of my material wrong and ended up with this much smaller top. I at least feel ok that I was able to utilize the material. This much is done, but it was such a struggle for me that I have put it away for awhile. I love to sew but get stressed when I goof like I did with this piece. You helped me stick with it Sis. Thanks, I'm glad I did.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Stephen Wiltshire: The Human Camera

This Young Man is Amazing. I saw him on The Early Show this morning. He will be on every morning through the 29th.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hi Everyone

I hav'nt been on the computer for quite awhile.Today I just wanted to say hello and write a bit. Take care all.

Interesting to Me

I'm not sure what kind of cows these are but I had to get pictures. Anyone know? The odd looking one's always interest me.
The other day I saw a cow that was three different colors. Will get a picture. It was Black from it's head to shoulders, brown from shoulders to back legs the black and white spots to tail.


I had just finished a glass of milk, and caught Abby doing this. I guess there is always a way. LOL!

New to Me

Mom introduced me to this product awhile back. If you have'nt used it before. It works great.

Our Summer Project

This Summer a friend of my Sister Kaye, gave us bricks. We laid the bricks then filed in with sand. It worked great. This is the finished product. It is a 16x20 pad. We had hardly any grass where this is, so it will be great for taking care of the mud we get each year. Thank You Glynnys and
Jim. We're glad you liked the end result. We Love it.

Five Generations

Left to right. Mom-Ash, Baby Dru, Great Great Grandma Betty, Grandma Kathy, and me, Great Grandma Sharon.

Hammer and #@&*%!!!

Last week I broke the fan blade on my Stovehood. Long story short, We bought a new one and moved the cabinets over a couple of inches and I filled in the gap, left side of the hood. Hit my finger with the hammer dead on. Ouch!


Sunday morning I was up early enough to enjoy the Sunrise. What a nice way to start the day.

Auction and Flea Market

This weekend our family got together and went to an Auction-Flea Market. What fun! It was nice to get out and spend some time together. We(Me,Jim,Rob) had never been to an Auction before. We had no idea how it worked, but loved watching Sis and Brother bidding. This is what we got. The table is just what I've been looking for to go beside the chair Sis gave me awhile back. Perfect. The Swans, Rob got me. Thank You Rob, and the beer sign is for our deck. The orange Butterfly dish I bought at the flea market, just because I already had one and thought I needed another. We're ready to go again. Thanks for the nice day everyone.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our First Snow

We had a big surprise this morning. Our first snow and it's still snowing. As you can see our new trees were laying over pretty good. A wet snow.Yesterday we wrapped our room and just in time. Today Jim will run a new electrical line out so we can add a heater this year. It rained last night , so we thought that would be it. Here are a few pictures. Love it. So pretty. Summer is officially over.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Sis. Have a Happy Day! I Love You Lots, Your Big Sis

A Bit Scarrey

Lately I have been unable to think of common things and names of things and people. My mind goes blank and I find myself feeling a bit scarred. I have to ask sometimes for someone else to help think of these things for me. Anyway I will read more and think more about what I'm doing and hope I do better. It does'nt happen all the time but enough that it bothers me.

Baby Squirrel

I was driving Jim to work this morning and I saw my first baby squirrel. A tiny Little thing. About 4 to 5 inches long. It was walking along the power line from one side of the street to the other. I was driving, so didn't get a picture. What a treat. They are so beautiful. Also I was thinking about past years when we would occasionally see a white one. None this year. I hope there are still some out there.