? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Choco Taco Day!

Nearly every day the Ice Cream Truck goes by and sometimes we make it to the curb before they are gone and out of sight. Today we ended our day with the Choco Taco. Yum!!! Thanks Jim. The perfect treat for the ending of a good day.


Are you having a moth problem where you live? We have hundreds of Moths every day in and around our deck. They're coming in around our screens in our deck and when one gets on the screen and you hit the screen with the fly swatter, here they come in droves. Soooo many this year. Just a nuisance that's all. A couple more weeks and they should be gone. Strange, last year we had hardly any. These pictures are just a pitance to what we actually see every day.

Updating a Post

I entered a post about my Birthday but without realizing it, I didn't put a picture of this Beautiful hanging basket that my Son Rob brought me. I added a picture of it from when I first got it to the old post about my Birthday. Here is a picture of it now in full bloom. So Pretty. Thank You Rob. I love it and I'm sorry for the oversight. I Love you lots, Mom

More Squirrel Pics.

It's afternoon now and here they are again. This is the second time today I have blogged about our Squirrels but how could you not take pictures and share them. They are letting me get within a few feet of them. However they won't take food from us yet. Rob tried to give one a peanut and it took off along the fence. Its an honor to have them here and we are enjoying them very much.

We Barked it!

Trying to keep the neighborhood cats out of our flower beds is an ongoing problem. We are putting bark in this year, hoping it will help. So far so good. If it continues to work it will be a good solution for everyone. We don't want to harm the cat's, so we are trying this. A few more beds to do and a lot more money and we'll have it. Yea for us if it solves our problem. Wish us luck.

My Peonies

I have two colors but this is the only one that has bloomed so far. The other is Pink. They are laying down from the constant rain we've had. Anyway I hope the other one blooms. In the meantime I will enjoy this one. So pretty.

Our Squirrels

We were having Coffee this morning and here they came. Three in all. We put the feeders up this weekend. They love the raw peanuts and the corn. I got within 5 ft. of the one by the peanut feeder and he just sat there. Kind of scared me a little but I got the shot then stepped back. It is so nice to sit here in the mornings and watch these little guys. They go back and forth on our fence and haul the food away.

Monday, June 1, 2009

White Squirrels

Every Year we wait patiently to get a glimse of our white Squirrels. And each year we are so happy to see that once again they are here. Usually just a few blocks away. We will get new pictures this year if we are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Some are pure white, some have brown, red or grey markings. I would be so happy to see them feeding along our fence. Very beautiful. I would love to see your video.

Interesting Bushes

I admire people who take the time to do these sculptures. This takes years to accomplish. These are done each year now and we enjoy them very much. I hope you do too.

Golden Chain

I saw this tree this weekend in our neighborhood and had to get this picture. Which by the way doesn't do it justice. This is a beautiful tree. I am going to try and find one and add one more tree to our yard if possible. I had never seen one before and my Husband told me what it is. Wish me luck in finding one.

My Birthday

Flowers from Lil Sis and Brother Howard ---Pillow form Sister Kaye ---Hanging Basket from Son Rob

I would like to Thank everyone, Friends and Family, for my Birthday, e-mail messages, blog posts and greetings from near and a far, phone calls, visits, the nice Dinner and the beautiful gifts. You all made my Day so special and I Love you all.

Morning Sky and Yesterdays Rainbow


My Sister Kaye gave us tons of Flowers from her flower beds yesterday. Enough to fill our corner and the space by our shed. And the best thing is they are perennials so we are done. Each year we put petunias in the out on the corner and they are pretty,but it gets expensive. Thank You for the beautiful plants Sis. Today they are doing Great just like the have been there forever.


I Love this picture. It's one of my Sister Kayes cats. She's always doing something silly. So Cute!