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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What are they?

Can you guess what this is? They are yummy!


Joy Heather said...

They do look good...but not sure what they are..i think we have different names for some things over here..they look a bit like either Scoth eggs, or Kentucky/Southern fried chicken..you & Dee will make me fat, when i see all these things i think to myself...i must make that for a change,LoL..this is more of a Winter thing with me, i cook so much more & experiment more when it is cold and miserable outside..please say what they are, and pass the recipe on if you would please Sharon...i am filling up on Buritto's regularly now...i had never even heard of them until a couple of weeks ago, thanks to Dee.

From My House to Yours said...

Hi Joy, How are you? I love Burritos too and Dees recipe sounds good. I have put the recipe for the eggs on my blog. I had never heard of these til Rob told me. They sound a little odd but are really good. I hope you will give them a try. Let me know if you like them. I love to try new things. This was fun. We did'nt really like them hot though.