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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Deep Fried Devield Eggs

1 dozen eggs
1/4 c. mayonaise
1 T. mustard
1 t. lemon zest
1 T. chopped chive
dash of hot sauce
salt and pepper
1c. all -purpose flour
2 well beaten eggs
1 cup of panco bread crumbs( I used 1/2 bread crumbs and 1/2 cornflake crumbs)
peanut oil for frying( I used veg. oil)

Cook eggs as for devieled eggs. Peel and slice longwise. Remove yolks to a bowl and add mayonaise, mustard,zest of lemon,hot sauce and salt and pepper. Mix together. (season to your taste). Fill eggs.
Heat oil in deep-fryer to 350 deg.F.
you will now need three medium bowls.
In one, add flour with salt and pepper, next one, the beaten eggs, the next panco or combination of bread crumbs and cornflake crumbs.
Now dip the finished filled eggs, gently into the flour covering all parts,then do the same in the egg and finally the crumbs. Gently put into the hot oil. Not to many at a time. Fry to golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Here's where I changed it out a bit. I deep fried them to a light golden then let them cool, and fried them again. It kept them more crispy. I do the same thing with my french fries. Works Great! I guess they are suppossed to be eaten hot, but I let them cool a bit and put them in the fridge and I think they tasted better. Anyway, however you want to eat them just season to your taste after cooking and try putting a bit of hot sauce on each bite. Yummy!


Joy Heather said...

Hi Sharon..they sound great..we do a similar thing over here that we call Scotch eggs...but we add a layer of sausagemeat to the hard boiled eggs BEFORE we add beaten egg,then the breadcrumbs and finally fry them..they used to be a favourite when the kids were young, as they were very filling..they still love them now so do I.

Joy Heather said...

By the way i meant we also add the chopped chives and spices etc..but this is optional..but makes them more tasty..we used to mix those with the egg..before the breadcrumbs...try them with the sausage meat it makes a nice change..and i will try yours...they both sound good and its making me hungry.

Me said...

Wow, I don't know if I would attempt this one. But it does look good! :)

Dreamer said...

That's what I need, more food to love!!!! I will have to try it. As soon as I can get the cook to make it!!