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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Found Picture

I think this is the first one I made. The only picture I can find. The bags are off of Crown Royal liquor bottles. They are flannel. A beautiful royal blue-purple. I have made many of these quilts, and a couple sets of pillows, each a different pattern and, as I made them I think got a little better at it. This one was washed, before giving it away and was quite wrinkled. Anyway, they were fun to make. I love to sew, and to make something different like this keeps me interested. If I don't like the material or color, I get bored. I counted my bags yesterday and I have 1400, so a quilting I can go.


Joy Heather said...

They are lovely Sharon..it must have taken you ages...i so envy you & Kerry for been able to do things like that..i know she does lovely ones..the one she made me is still my favourite quilt ever..i love it. I think that Royal Blue Purple is wonderful..one of my fave colours..so rich looking...Beautiful.

Dreamer said...

You have so many! You have lots of sewing to do. I guess I had better get on it! You have worked so hard and it shows! Love, Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Are you selling these?!?! I was looking for an old Better Homes and Gardens deviled eggs receipe and found...YOU! My the anniversary of my father's death is coming up...and he loved Crown. One of your quilts would be a perfect gift to my family, either for the occasion in October or for Christmas. Love Trenda Joy (trendaosborne@yahoo).