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Monday, November 23, 2009


We had barely gotten into the house from the Hosp. when I hear a YIP at the front door. Our Dexter. His Mom was out of town and when the boys opened the front door he was gone. He spent the night again, which makes us happy. She came and got him about 2:00 PM. the next day. While talking to her, I said you can leave him here anytime we would love to have him and she said, it's getting close. When they turned to leave, he ran back and wanted in. We probably should'nt let him in, maybe he would just go home. But my concious would'nt let me turn him away. I would just worry myself sick about him and besides,she knows where he is. We love the little guy as our own. He's a sweetheart.


Joy Heather said...

Dexter is just so cute & lovely..i think it is good that you take him in when his owner is out..because thats how dogs have accidents when they roam the streets...I do hope you could keep him one day Sharon, i know he would be so happy then..so would you.... Do you think when she said 'its getting close'..she meant its getting close to the time she will have to let you have him for some reason?..dogs love company and if she is at work everyday the little fella must get lonely, i think she must realise that.

From My House to Yours said...

Hi Joy, We are hoping that's what she meant. We sure love the little guy. And she's happy we take him in. She said she always comes here first to find him. He just blends right in with us and our babies and I think he knows he's welcome.