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Monday, May 25, 2009

Virginia Creeper

Little Sis Kerry gave us some starts from her Creeper before they moved here. They are doing well and we love them. Thank You Sis. Jim just now added the triangle lattice at the top so some day they will cover our shed and that's just what we want them to do. We will build new pots for them soon. They are probabably root bound by now. So, Jim will be building the new pots and they will have plenty of room to grow. So pretty.


Joy Heather said...

I do love virginia creeper..mine just died a few years ago..never found out why..but they are so special when they change colour..i love the autumn colours of them,,and they do grow quick..have you any idea what could have happened to mine..i did do some cementing in one part of the garden..but it wasn't really near to it..a neighbour said it could have been that it seeped into the roots ?/..but i dont know.

lestat83301 said...

they are really getting nice can't wait to see them take over the shed. i wish i had some here to plant along the fence on my deck.