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Saturday, May 30, 2009


Every year we are lucky enough to have the Squirrels come to our yard to feed. We put up feeders with Corn and one with Peanuts or Walnuts. We haven't gotten the feeders up yet so today we will do that. This little guy and a friend hung out with us this morning while we were having our Coffee. We love watching them. They run up and down the fence checking to see if their food is out yet. I walked outside and he just sat there and let me take this picture. They are not at all all afraid.


Joy Heather said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARON...is that little squirrel a 'red'one ??..he looks like it, how lovely is that..they are an endangered species over here...in most area's we only have the grey ones now..its such a pity as the red ones are special..they are so intelligent as well....in the castle grounds in Tamworth, they come and take food out of your hands (the grey ones)..i must remember to take my camera next time i go and try to snap a few...lovely Picture.

From My House to Yours said...

Thank You Joy. I had a nice Day. I,m not sure what species we have here butI will find out. We have pure white too. I have pictures in my blog way back somewhere. And these too, will eat right out of your hands if you take the time. My brother-in-law puts peanuts in his shirt pocket and they take them out. Our Mother puts walnuts on her porch and they come right to the door where she sits at her dining table to watch while they haul them away. They are such pretty little things. However, I,m a bit afraid to get that close.

Joy Heather said...

Hi Sharon..i would LOVE to see pics of white squirrels...i didn't even know they exhisted !!!they must be lovely..the grey ones are nice..but lots of folk blame them for killing off the red ones, there are very few of those here now and the few there are are only in a very few places,they are all very clever though..i used to have a little video of some of the tricks they got up to, someone set up a sort of obsticle course for them..the prize was FOOD..they were so clever how they got to it, i must try & find that & putit on my blog...you are so lucky to have the red ones over there..so lovely.