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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Baby is on the way

When Kathy called,tonight around 11:30 pm. our time, she said Ash had been having some problems. Her heart was racing off and on today and her blood pressure was high. Her water had broken a couple of days ago and was trickling and she didn't say anything to her Mom. They took her to the hospital tonight and she's on atibiotics. Kathy said the babies heart rate is strong and Ash is doing ok, so we are waiting to hear. Impatiently I might add. We have some concern but she's in good hands. However we won't rest until we know for sure SHE and the BABY are ok. I will let everyone know when litte Dru Frank arrives. Our thoughts are with you all. Lots of Love and Hugs from Grandma and Grandma.

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