? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Damask Floored? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??35 Grabs Today. 963 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Blue Ele BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Rose

Thank You for bringing me a Rose. It's beautiful. Your such a thoughtful Son. I Love You Very Much. Mom

Nature Music for Relaxation and Meditation

Take a moment. Let this video take you to a relaxing place today. We can all use a moment to reflect, meditate and enjoy the best our lives have for us. So, relax, enjoy and let yourself go for awhile.........


Morning Sis. How are things out your way? They are changing fast here. Now the Sun is out, and the clouds are looking a little less threating but the weather report today said we might have up to 49 mph gusts. No doubt in my mind. Jim said it's a good day to go fishing. Funny Man.

Wind, Rain and Snow

This is what we woke up to this morning. At 4:00 this morning we were awakened by a fierce wind. They reported 30mph gusts but we think it was at least 40mph sustained. Anyway,this morning when we woke up it had snowed and now it is trying to rain. The wind is still blowing but not near as strong and we have rather Angry looking clouds surrounding us. Mother Nature is at it again!!! Never mind What I said about the wind getting better, it is getting worse again!!! What are we in for today? UGH!!! It looks like a good day to cook a pot of Potato Soup and stay in and keep warm.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Mysterious Oregon Vortex House

This is the place I was talking about Joy. A very interesting and fun site to visit. We stopped by on a trip to the Coast.

Ugly Bat Boy - Worlds Ugliest Cat ?

I saw this video and wanted to share it. He is ugly, but even ugly needs Love.

Hobby Room

You're right Sis. This room will probably never be finished. It changes all the time. It just doesn't know what it wants to be. Anyway for now I have painted the floor.


Well sort of. We are trying anyway. We have a few seeds planted. Wish us luck. We haven't had a Garden in years.

My Garden Arbor!

We had a pile of old metal that we got from a friends house. We did'nt know what we would do with it, but yesterday Jim made this and I think he did a grand job. He used about every piece there was. It used to be the frame for a canvas cover on a deck. The wind tore it apart and bent the ---- out of the pieces. Here is the finished product. An Arbor and Gate for my Garden.

Small Towns are Wonderful!

I love small towns and this is why. Where would you see someone riding horses in the streets except for the police in a big city. It's just so relaxing a way to live. The hustle and bustle of a big city is not for me.

The Garbage Tree!

I have never seen anything quite like this. I think it speaks for itself! Too funny LOL!

It Must Be Spring!

Isn't it Spring when the Ice Cream Truck comes for the first time? That's what I like to think. Well, here is my sweet Hubby getting us Ice Cream two weeks ago. Now it's raining and cold again. Ummm!!! This is what he got us. YUM!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mother Nature (M*U*S*T **See**)

Our World has so much Beauty. I hope you will relax and enjoy.

Scottish Highland

I got a little to close! He was getting mad.

Heads or Tails

Awesome Picture!

Beautiful eye. Guess Who? I Love this picture.


This is our little Molly. She has 5 double teeth and will be going to the Vet on the 19th to get them pulled, and to get spayed. I worry about the anesthesia but our Vet has always taken great care of our babies. Right now she has Shark like teeth. LOL! She is such a Sweetheart.

Morning Coffee

This is what it looks like in the morning when we have our coffee. All our babies join us. Arent they cute?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hobby Room Floor

Awhile back we put a wood floor in my Hobby Room and it was great for a long time. We always loved the floors in Si's house, so we gave it a try. Well we must have bought the wrong stuff, either that or I finished it wrong, because it is starting to warp bad. Sooo, we have to tear it out and do something else. A big project. Just removing all my Hobby supplies is a huge undertaking. REALLY! Then we will have to remove all the shelves and my Computer etc. Not a small job. It's overwhelming for me right now but we will perservere. This room has been so many things. We are tired of fixing it. This will be the last time! We will be putting down ceramic tile. That should do it once and for all. Hopefully. OK, Now I'm done Bitching.

Prices are going Up!!!

If your not a smoker this won't interest you. Jim went to buy cigarettes this morning and the cheapest ones are the ones we smoke. Well not anymore. Shocked. They have gone up $.70 a pack. When will it stop. Everything is getting so expensive. We will be cutting way back. Hoping to be able to quit. Maybe this is an eye opener. A good thing.

Snow Again!!!

Enough already. Where the hell is the warm weather. I just want to bolt. No more please. Depressing!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

More Old Post Pictures

Top Pictures after a lot of work. Bottoms Before.

Top pic. after. Bottom Before.

New and Old.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Did You Know

  1. There are 216 noodles in a can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup.
  2. Not counting vowels, the most frequently used letter in the English language is t.
  3. In the U.S., more gold is used to make class rings than any other piece of jewelry.
  4. The House of Faberge made only 50 of its jewel-encrusted eggs. Of the 50, 28 are in museums, 14 are in private hands (including the nine that had been owned by the late Malcolm Forbes), and eight are missing.
  5. The cost to mint a penny is more than one cent.
  6. If a penny is randomly tossed in the air, the odds are actually one percent higher that it will land on tails, because the image of Lincoln weighs more, increasing the chance it will end up on the bottom.
  7. A one-ounce serving of Cheerios contains 400 individual "O's"
  8. The longest-running commercial in T.V. history is the ad for Life cereal featuring Mikey ("Let Mikey try it. He hates everything."), which aired nationally for 12 years.
  9. The magna Doodle that hung on the inside of the door to Joey and Chandler's apartment on Friends had a different picture on it in every episode. There was usually a connection between the picture and the plot.
  10. In 1968, J.R.R. Tolkien sold the rights to The Lord of the Rings for $15,ooo.

My little Angels

While Mom and I were gone the other day the dogs pushed the gate down and got into the house. This is what they did. I looked for this comb for a couple of days. Well, now I know where it is. They totally ate it. No plastic on the floor at all. They are fine. Molly hacked up the pieces and I'm pretty sure Buddy did too. Gotta love em.

Visiting with Mom and Kaye

Shopping with mom. Laughing at ourselves.

Pictures from Old Posts

A can Kaye painted. Love it. Crocheted Afgahn out of scraps of yarn. Robs Goldens. A cloud picture for Dee Dee. A rose bush by the garage.