? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
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Friday, December 18, 2009

Computer Problems

My computer is making a lot of noise, so am shutting down til we can get it checked out. Will miss all of you. Hope to get back on track soon. Just in case I don't get it fixed before the Holidays. Happy Holidays Everyone. Take Care. See you all later.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hannah and the Coke box

While we were having coffee this morning, Hannah was attacking the the box. She played for the longest time with it, and was in and out of it for an hour or more. So fun to watch.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Meet Harold

This is Harold and he's holding one if the quilts that he made. Mom bought this one for me. Thank you Mom. What an honor it is to own one of his quilts. Harold was born August 30th. 1911. That's right, he is 98 years old and he sews and does other crafts, he goes to the Senior center for lunch and plays pinochle. He has made many quilts and I was privileged to see most of them. All very pretty. He makes the tops and backs then sends them to be quilted. While we were there I noticed a finished top in a pile in the closet. He brought it out and said he had finished it, sent it to be quilted and when he got it back he didn't like the way it turned out, so he took it apart and is working on it again. He must be quite particular. I asked him how he chooses the designs, each one is a little different. He said he has a "BOOK", but it's just a guide and he makes them up as he goes. All the quilts I saw are about queen size. The fabric pieces and strips in all his quilts are about 2" wide. What patience he must have. Thank you Harold, for my pretty quilt.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Anniversary Roses

Thank You for the beautiful roses and card. You guys are the best. Love, Sis and Jim

Our Anniversary Dinner

This is a Steak House. supposedly one of the best. However, this should have been our first clue!!!Look at the parking lot, do you see anything weird? Yep, the parking lot is empty except for us and the restaurant had been open for more than an hour. It was definitely a moment not to be forgotten.To funny. We had gotten raves about this place from quite a few people and have been looking forward to trying it for dinner.We had been there for lunch and it was great, but last night, I have to say it was about the worst food we had ever had anywhere. The place was empty except for us!!! LOL!!! We all walked in and started laughing. Thank goodness, it's not about the food, we had the best company. Brother and little Sis joined us and we had a great visit, and lots of laughs. By the way guys, we were wondering if you would like to join us for dinner again tonight? Just kidding. LOL!!! We love you tons, and thank you for the nice evening. Love, Jim and Sis

Friday, December 4, 2009

From Rob

Rob. You are so thoughtful.
These are the gifts he just brought me. He is always looking for something he knows I and anyone else enjoy. Thank You Rob I love these. The plate is beautiful and the little Butterfly is perfect for my collection. Thank You for thinking of me. You always do. I love You, Mom

Not the Tipical Santa

New ride and new cloths. I love this one. My favorite.

Our Little Hannah

Helping me with my computer skills. Fetching her paper wad.


She is our new baby. She is 3/1/2 months old. Very tiny for her age. She is beautiful and smart. She can fetch, shake hands-hi five and she gets her treats out of the jar and eats them out of her paw. She has learned this within a short amount of time. She learned to fetch within about five minutes. She sleeps with us of course. She gets along with the dogs, except for Molley, Molley has a little attitude right now. We've had her for less than a week and she is doing very well. She's a little sweeheart. Momas little girl.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Found Picture

I think this is the first one I made. The only picture I can find. The bags are off of Crown Royal liquor bottles. They are flannel. A beautiful royal blue-purple. I have made many of these quilts, and a couple sets of pillows, each a different pattern and, as I made them I think got a little better at it. This one was washed, before giving it away and was quite wrinkled. Anyway, they were fun to make. I love to sew, and to make something different like this keeps me interested. If I don't like the material or color, I get bored. I counted my bags yesterday and I have 1400, so a quilting I can go.

Feeding the Squirrels

We are lucky enough to be able to enjoy our Squirrels for a little longer. We still have two that come to the feeder each morning and afternoon. We fill the box each day with walnuts and or peanuts and they take them all, storing them for winter. They are so fun to watch, running along the fence for their food, then sitting there and letting me take their picture. I can get within just a few feet of them. They just sit there calmly and eat. I love it.


The other morning while having coffee, this was our sunrise. The batteries in my camera were low, so this is what I got.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

To all our family and friends, Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. Have a good Day. Jim, Rob, And Me

Monday, November 23, 2009

Our Abby is Home


We love fried rice. Rob went to town and got all the fixings and made it for us for lunch. How special is that. Thank You Rob. That is so thoughtful of you. Love, Mom and Dad

Crown Royal Bags

Several years ago I started collecting Crown Royal bags. I used to go to all the Bars in our town and the neighboring towns to collect all I could. They named me the bag lady. Sometimes I would get just a few and other times I would come home with more than a hundred. By the time I had quit collecting, I had about 1500 bags. Some large and some regular size. I also have about 100 specialty bags. Racing teams and such. I made several quilts one for a wedding present that took over 200, and some to donate, and many pillows and quilts for friends and family. I enjoy making these so much. I still had, as of today maybe 1000 bags. Well, the guys went to town today and made a good hit. They brought me 399 more. I can quilt to my hearts content. I will put them to good use. I thought I had pictures of some of them but couldn't find them. Anyway. It was just like Christmas. Thanks Guys, Good Hit. Whoo Hoo!!!

Painting My Room

Last week I was so nervous that I had to find something to keep me busy. Most of the time that means painting something. Well I found some left over paint and did MOST of my bedroom, not really looking back to see the results. When I did, WOW, it was way to stark. White is good, but this is To White! Anyway, it will have to stay partially painted until I can pick a new color. This time giving more thought. There used to be two green walls (right picture) and the rest an off white, you can still see some of it. This is where I quit. This time I think I will pick a nice warm cream. All that work. UGH!!!


We got just a skiff of snow yesterday, yet it was a fairly warm day. When I looked out a bit go, it looked like we may have gotten a little more. Anyway, our morning coffee just got done, so will say Bye for now and go to the deck to relax and enjoy a cup. Have a good day everyone.


We had barely gotten into the house from the Hosp. when I hear a YIP at the front door. Our Dexter. His Mom was out of town and when the boys opened the front door he was gone. He spent the night again, which makes us happy. She came and got him about 2:00 PM. the next day. While talking to her, I said you can leave him here anytime we would love to have him and she said, it's getting close. When they turned to leave, he ran back and wanted in. We probably should'nt let him in, maybe he would just go home. But my concious would'nt let me turn him away. I would just worry myself sick about him and besides,she knows where he is. We love the little guy as our own. He's a sweetheart.

Rob-Waiting to Go Home

Everything went well. He wanted to show how well his Doctor hid his incision. Here he is to say---Thank You Joy and my family for your good thoughts. Love you All. Rob

Friday, November 20, 2009

Honor a Veteran

We were at the VA Hospital today and looking around I saw many broken Men and Women. It made me think of how grateful we should be for their service to our Country. Then tonight, I could'nt sleep and was reading a book that had these words-----

Honour a Veteran

We owe them so much.
Our freedom.
Our future.
They rarely ask for anything.
The least they deserve is recognition for their sacrifice.
A simple thank you will mean so much to them.
Ask them about their personal stories.
And you will be richly rewarded.

On the way home

I just liked this picture and wanted to share it. Taken on the way home from the Hospital.

Robs Surgery

He said to say Hi to everyone. Rob had surgery today, to take out the rest of his thyroid. The surgery went very well and he is doing fine. This picture was taken just as he got settled in his room. Look at his big smile. He will be released in a day or two. Love you so much, Mom and Dad

My Abby 2001-2009

Baby girl, my beautiful, smart and loving companion for all these years. Mamas little girl. I will forever keep you in my heart and in my thoughts. Rest now baby girl. I Love You, Mama

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Alive (Celine Dion)

Take a moment, you desirve it. Relax and enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Good Golly Miss Molly!

Things got too quiet. Sooo, I went looking, and found this. It's OK Molly, Mama will clean it up. Does she look innocent to you? When I went to take her picture after the unrolling of the toilet paper she ran to the living room, laid down behind the rocker and turned her head as if to say, You can't seee meee. She did'nt get into trouble, it was a mistake. I'm sure of it. Yeah! Anyway. I think she was bored because I was busy and she was running amuck in the house by herself. The others were with Dad. So like a good Mom I take part of the blame. This was a first, but if it happens again, I suppose we will have to have a Mother -Daughter talk about manners. LOL!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Deep Fried Devield Eggs

1 dozen eggs
1/4 c. mayonaise
1 T. mustard
1 t. lemon zest
1 T. chopped chive
dash of hot sauce
salt and pepper
1c. all -purpose flour
2 well beaten eggs
1 cup of panco bread crumbs( I used 1/2 bread crumbs and 1/2 cornflake crumbs)
peanut oil for frying( I used veg. oil)

Cook eggs as for devieled eggs. Peel and slice longwise. Remove yolks to a bowl and add mayonaise, mustard,zest of lemon,hot sauce and salt and pepper. Mix together. (season to your taste). Fill eggs.
Heat oil in deep-fryer to 350 deg.F.
you will now need three medium bowls.
In one, add flour with salt and pepper, next one, the beaten eggs, the next panco or combination of bread crumbs and cornflake crumbs.
Now dip the finished filled eggs, gently into the flour covering all parts,then do the same in the egg and finally the crumbs. Gently put into the hot oil. Not to many at a time. Fry to golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Here's where I changed it out a bit. I deep fried them to a light golden then let them cool, and fried them again. It kept them more crispy. I do the same thing with my french fries. Works Great! I guess they are suppossed to be eaten hot, but I let them cool a bit and put them in the fridge and I think they tasted better. Anyway, however you want to eat them just season to your taste after cooking and try putting a bit of hot sauce on each bite. Yummy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What are they?

Can you guess what this is? They are yummy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Three Stages

Good Morning Everyone. I so enjoy having coffee on our deck and watching the Sunrise. A beautiful beginning to my day. Here are the three stages I was lucky enough to see. Have a Nice Day All.


Our little visitor. This is Dexter, I wrote a little about him a few days ago. He ended up spending the night and seemed perfectly happy. The next day, we thought his owner would come
and get him as she usually does. Around 10:00 AM Jim took him home. When they answered the door, Jim said they didn't even know he had been gone. How could you not know? He's such a precious little guy, I wish she would just leave him with us. He's gotten out so many times that I would think they would check on him often. He's so tiny and there are some big dogs in our neighborhood that people turn loose during the night. So far he is ok. I hope he continues to come here when he gets out. At least we know he's safe til we can get him home.We love having him here.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Todays Catch

Jim and Rob went fishing today and caught some nice ones. They are all going tomorrow. I love when the guys can get together and do something they all enjoy so much. Top to bottom. Robs then Jims. Everybody, have a great day tomorrow.

Trick or Treat

This was our only Trick or Treater. His name is Dexter. He started showing up at our front door several months ago, begging to get in. He lives a couple of blocks from us. The first time he visited, it was quite a process finding his owner. When we did, I called her and she came for him right away. He is a beautiful little Yorkie. Every once in awhile he escapes. She calls him Houdini. He always comes straight to us. Tonight we heard something at the door and thinking it was Trick or Treaters, Rob went to the door and here came Dex like a shot. We no longer have to call the owner, she just comes to get him now when she realizes he's missing. He's such a tiny little guy, I'm glad he comes here so we can keep him safe. We havn't seen him for a couple of months and it was nice that he came (Home) .
It looks like he may be spending the night. All is quite now, the kids are done Trick or Treating and it's bed time.

New Butterfly Plate

Thank You Rob for my new plate. Now I'm on a mission to find the other colors. I love these plates. It was very thoughtful of you to think of me. Love You Lots, Mom


Last week Jim went to get impressions for Dentures. This picture is hanging right inside the door as you enter the office.