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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Meet Harold

This is Harold and he's holding one if the quilts that he made. Mom bought this one for me. Thank you Mom. What an honor it is to own one of his quilts. Harold was born August 30th. 1911. That's right, he is 98 years old and he sews and does other crafts, he goes to the Senior center for lunch and plays pinochle. He has made many quilts and I was privileged to see most of them. All very pretty. He makes the tops and backs then sends them to be quilted. While we were there I noticed a finished top in a pile in the closet. He brought it out and said he had finished it, sent it to be quilted and when he got it back he didn't like the way it turned out, so he took it apart and is working on it again. He must be quite particular. I asked him how he chooses the designs, each one is a little different. He said he has a "BOOK", but it's just a guide and he makes them up as he goes. All the quilts I saw are about queen size. The fabric pieces and strips in all his quilts are about 2" wide. What patience he must have. Thank you Harold, for my pretty quilt.

1 comment:

Joy Heather said...

what a great old guy..has he been making quilts for a long time ??..he certainly must be patient, one day i may try to make one...i imagine it would make you feel so good when you completed one??...i will have to buy a book and learn about it..then give it a try.....but i am not the most patient person in the World...especially when things go wrong.