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Friday, November 20, 2009

Honor a Veteran

We were at the VA Hospital today and looking around I saw many broken Men and Women. It made me think of how grateful we should be for their service to our Country. Then tonight, I could'nt sleep and was reading a book that had these words-----

Honour a Veteran

We owe them so much.
Our freedom.
Our future.
They rarely ask for anything.
The least they deserve is recognition for their sacrifice.
A simple thank you will mean so much to them.
Ask them about their personal stories.
And you will be richly rewarded.


Dreamer said...

I am sure their stories would be worth listening to. xxxx Lil Sis

Joy Heather said...

I So agree with you..we have owe them our lives and our freedom..i know they will appreciate you talking to them and asking them questions..and thanking them, so many forget to do that..i know when i went to the Memorial day at the arboretum it was so interesting talking to some of the Veterans..and they were pleased that we took an interest...we should never forget what they did..and what so many young soldiers are still doing in Afghanistan and other places. Your young men & ours ..side by side..bless them all.