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Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Our little visitor. This is Dexter, I wrote a little about him a few days ago. He ended up spending the night and seemed perfectly happy. The next day, we thought his owner would come
and get him as she usually does. Around 10:00 AM Jim took him home. When they answered the door, Jim said they didn't even know he had been gone. How could you not know? He's such a precious little guy, I wish she would just leave him with us. He's gotten out so many times that I would think they would check on him often. He's so tiny and there are some big dogs in our neighborhood that people turn loose during the night. So far he is ok. I hope he continues to come here when he gets out. At least we know he's safe til we can get him home.We love having him here.


Joy Heather said...

Do you think the folk who own him may want you to have him ..but are too afraid to ask ??...just a thought , that happened to a friend of mine a few years ago..she still has the dog herself now and they are both so happy...the original owners are happy too as they both work & know that the little chap is happier now than when he was alone all day...you could ask them if they ever wanted to leave him while they went away on holiday or something like that???..thats what my friend did...they may be glad you offered..its worth a try.if he keeps getting out & they dont even notice perhaps they are very busy as well.

From My House to Yours said...

Hi Joy.I think they do both work, and I think he runs out unoticed when someone either opens the gate or the door.I think however I would notice one of ours if they were gone all night and part of the next day. They are are fairly close to us most of the time. We have said to her that we would love for her to leave him, but she has not responded to that. I wish It could be, because we sure love the little guy. And he seems right at home here. However I'm sure she loves him as well, but just has a hard time keeping track of him. She calls him Houdidi. If we get the chance and he comes to see us again (and he has many times) we will probabaly ask about keeping him like you suggested.We had a pair of Yorkies Our Pokey lived to 13yrs. and our Prudence lived to nearly 14yrs.They are a beautiful little breed. Is'nt he a doll? Take care Joy

Joy Heather said...

He is gorgeous..and he must get on with your two dogs if you want him to stay...i do hope your are able to Sharon as its clear you love the little chap...but if not i think i looks as if you have 'joint custody' at least ..the little man himself is seeing to that..animals KNOW when they are loved and respond to it dont they..i love the name Dexter..is that after the T.V. series Dexter..that was one of my Faveourite U.S. series ever...quite a few folk named their pets Dexter after that.

Me said...

I love him! And love his name! We are all hooked on Dexter, the show, we watch it every Sunday night. I bet they named him after Dexter on the show. :)

Dreamer said...

Sweet little thing. You need to just adopt him!!!