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Monday, November 23, 2009

Painting My Room

Last week I was so nervous that I had to find something to keep me busy. Most of the time that means painting something. Well I found some left over paint and did MOST of my bedroom, not really looking back to see the results. When I did, WOW, it was way to stark. White is good, but this is To White! Anyway, it will have to stay partially painted until I can pick a new color. This time giving more thought. There used to be two green walls (right picture) and the rest an off white, you can still see some of it. This is where I quit. This time I think I will pick a nice warm cream. All that work. UGH!!!

1 comment:

Joy Heather said...

Oh dear Sharon i was going to paint 2 of my bedroom walls white, & paper the other 2 i have brought a large tin of emulsion...i do hope it doesn't look too stark...i have cream at the moment & just felt like a change..but I didn't want anything too dark as my bedroom faces east (i think its east)..but it doesn't get much sun except in the early mornings..i will have to see how it looks once i have started..i'll probably do the same as you & leave it if it does look too washed out.