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Friday, April 24, 2009

Dried Rose

I have posted quite a few things tonight but wanted to enter this. My Son surprised me with a Rose awhile back and I wanted to save it. I hung it upside down and dried it. Now I will find a pretty small bud vase to keep it in. Thank you Rob. I Love You.


Joy Heather said...

Thats a lovely way to keep the Rose..i like dried flowers, i often do that and keep them in my loft (attic) until winter..then bring them down for some colour in the grey winter days.

Faithful said...

I, too, love to dry my flowers, and make my own dried arrangements ..sometimes I, too just stick one into an old bottle with some white baby's breath. Yours is a good way to enjoy two thoughts at once..the beauty of the rose and the beauty in the gift! ...I hope Rob is doing well.

Dreamer said...

Great rose sis! I dryed some roses last week, still hanging. I need to find a place for them. I love your color on the rose, very nice!