? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Damask Floored? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??35 Grabs Today. 963 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Blue Ele BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dried Rose

I have posted quite a few things tonight but wanted to enter this. My Son surprised me with a Rose awhile back and I wanted to save it. I hung it upside down and dried it. Now I will find a pretty small bud vase to keep it in. Thank you Rob. I Love You.

For My Grandaughter

I called my Daughter and She's going to be on her way to Arizona tonight. My Grandaughter is due to have her baby anytime. Another Great Grand chiid. A boy. I am chocheting this Afgahn for her and the Baby. Its reversible. Blue one side the other Brown. I must get at it. The baby will be here before I can finish. I am a Happy Mom and Grandmother tonight. I will post more about this when he's born.


From Plant Stand to a Bar for our Deck. My husband and I did it together.

We're Getting There

Flowering Plum-Weeping Cherry-Peonies-Hens and Chicks. Whoo Hoo!

My first Tulip

My first Tulip this year. So pretty.

Our Babies

I was enjoying a cookie tonight when Abby my cat joined me, then the Poms. I felt guilty but we try not to feed our animals people food. Sometimes I would like to break the rules but we want them healthy. Look at there faces. It mad me a little sad!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Greeting Card Boxes

These are nice little boxes and can be made easily. Just a little measuring and folding. Something fun and usefull from very small to large depending on the card you choose.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Bedroom Chair

Sis gave me this lovely old chair awhile back and I want to say Thank you Sis. It has found a home in my bedroom. I love it and will cherish it forever. I know you had it for many years and it means alot to me that you gave it to me. I Love You Tons.

New Version- Old Version

I had the white table in my bedroom. Then Sis gave me a beautiful old chair. So I took this table and put it on the deck. I love the chair in my room and the table looks good on the Deck.

Sunrise and Moon

Today a Star near the Moon. I wasn't real steady this morning but our Sunrise was beautiful.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Leaving the Park

More pictures from our day. I Love you all. Thank You for the nice day.

Elk in the Canyon

On the road down to the Falls is an Elk Farm . They are sporting velvet horns now. They are so beautiful.

A Great Day!

We took a drive to Shoshone Falls yesterday with Brother and Sis. What Fun, spending the day relaxing and taking a much needed break. Great company, a beautiful warm day, how could you not enjoy that? The Falls were running at full capacity. Spectacular sight!

First picture: The Snake River Canyon below. The Main Falls then The Upper Falls that believe it or not, become a swimming pool when the water level is at it's lowest. Interesting to see people swimming above the Falls.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

These are pictures of the grounds at the VA Hospital. When our Son was being treated there he fed the squirrels. There are so many there and they are excepitionally friendly. Taking peanuts right out of your hands. So very pretty. He fed them every day while he was there. I Love these pictures.When we were coming out after a visit with him, we saw six Deer on the grounds right near a busy street. The grounds of our VA Hospital here are as beautiful as any upscale park.

The Startings of our Garden

This will hopefully be our garden.We have started tomatoes, upside down. All different varieties. Acorn and Hubbard Squash. Also multi colored vegies of different kinds. We have Lemon Cukes, Multi colored tomatoes, carrots, peppers, radishes and beans.
We also will be planting kohlrabi, Brussel Sprouts, Yellow Zucchini. We are not gardeners by any means but decided to get our feet and hands in the dirt this year and give it a try. Oh, and the plants that are laying over are Artichokes. Wish us luck and give advice if you have any. We can use all the help we can get. Hopefully we didn't take on to much.

First Fishing Day of the Season

Today we all went fishing. What a Great Day. We had a ball. It was warm and beautiful. We all caught fish, but I outfished the guys. I caught my limit wich is six here. They both had two. Jim caught one rainbow and a nice golden. Rob had two nice goldens. I caught three and three. It was nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine and share something that we all love. I did however have to razz the guys. Love You Both. ThankYou for a nice day!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Worst Day Ever

My Son has just told me that his tests have come back, and they are positive for Thyroid Cancer. Bye for awhile. We are taking a break.

susan boyle first interview - Scottish Television

Britains Got Talent! Do they ever! She has an amazing voice. I cried when I heard her. She is a Sweetheart with a Dream. They all made fun at first, then were blown away. It just goes to show that everyone has something to offer. This woman is Amazing! Please everyone go to You Tube for the full version of her song. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hi Joy! About Abby.

Here's another picture of Abby. She is about six years old. She's the one that fetches, plays dead, shakes hands, high fives. sits up. She was born without a voice. So when she was little we had quite a time keeping track of her. She's a great cat. Very inquisitive.

Thank You Rob

You are so thoughtful. Our Son came over on Easter Day and brought a beautiful card for us and all the fixings for a wonderful dinner. He did all the work, cooking a fabulous dinner. What a nice treat. Our dinner consisted of Steak, Coconut Shrimp, Fresh Asparagus, Baked Potato, Salad, Garlic Toast. White Cake and Coffee for Dessert. Yum! We Love You and Thank You for spending Easter with us. It was a Good Day!!!

This is Rob after a fishing day last summer. Doing what he loves.

They love it!

They played and now they are Happy. They all love the snow, especially the little ones.