? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Damask Floored? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??35 Grabs Today. 963 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Blue Ele BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Albino Animals

These are pictures I have taken some time ago. The squirrels are from here in town. The Peacock is from Unionville in Nevada where I worked. The Deer are pictures from a trip that Kathy and I took many years ago from Nevada to Maryland. We saw the deer in a field and were able to get these pictures. Not sure where this was. I will have to ask Kat if she remembers.

Good To Know!

Ginger Rogers did everthing Fred Astaire did except she did it backwards and in heels!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So Interesting- Speed Painting

I saw this on TV today and wanted to share it with you. There are some talented people out there. Enjoy! P.S. You may need to scroll down to my Adobe play list to turn my music off so you can hear this. Sorry.

Speed Paintiing

Painting to Ray Charles - Amazing Speed Art - For more funny videos, click here

Can't Focus

I came here to do some posting today but can't stay focused. Will try again later. I'm a bit down today. Nothing I can put my finger on. Nap time. Just cold and tired I guess. Cover up, get warm, rest my old brain, try again later!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Crop Duster

I love to watch these guys fly. They are so talented. This one was loading chemaicals at the Airport and dusting the fields accross form the Highschool. I was on my way to town and had to stop for pictures. He was flying right toward me and over the top of my car. As a matter of fact, I could feel some of the debris from the plane pelting my car. Close! Probably not the smartest thing I have ever done. I could see the whole underside of the plane as he flew over. Very Cool! Anyway I hope you all enjoy the picture. Posted 7-15-08

The Good, The Bad and The Chocolate

OK!!! The good is that we have M&Ms Ice Cream. Yum! AND!!! We have chocolate covered Skittles. Yum, Yum. The bad is it's all fattening and I'm a Butt Head for showing you all. But, It's Chocolate!!! What was I supposed to do, keep it all to myself? I think Not. LOL! Posted 7-15-2008

Stuck on chairs

I am a sucker for another chair. I found this one for $6.00 at the Thrift Store. I like the shape of it and it's the perfect color and size for my Living Room. Only one thing. It needs to be completely redone. It has some loose springs and the upoulstery is really dirty. However it is very sturdy. As you can see I have taken this picture by the front door. I must spray it before I can bring it into the house. I would like to find something similar to put back on it. I hope to get some of the projects finished that I have already started also. One more fun thing to do. I think it will be pretty when I finish. Do you guys lke it? Truthfully now. Jim will have a cow. Posted 7-15-2008

Before and After

Rob asked me to give him a haircut. He said the heat was to much. He looks good. You look good Rob. You look younger. I hope it helps you get through these hot days. Love You, Mom. Posted 7-15-08

Full Moon

We had a beautiful full moon tonight You could see the face so clearly. You can kind of see it even in this picture, taken with my camera. If you click on the picture, then stand back a few feet, you can see it pretty good. So cool! Posted 7-16-08

The Weather

Iv'e had it. I'm cold all the time and tired of the gloomy days!!! That's all I wanted to say!!!

Previous Posts 2007- 2008

I'm trying to restore some of my old posts with the pictures. I got one done, then I couldn't get any more pictures to post. So I have to think about this for a bit. When I get some of my previous posts restored, with the pictures, then I will start blogging again. I am determined to do this right now. I hope I can figure it out. I'm getting better on my computer, but wish me luck anyway. OK!