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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Lot on my Mind!

I'm putting this thought out here today for all of us because I think we forget to breath and take another look at things. Sometimes we get to the end of our rope. I know I do. Things are going horribly wrong, and there seems to be no way out. We think there is no solution. And sometimes there might not be, I don't know, but think about this and maybe it will help in some small way. Even when we can't see it, the Sun is always shining, and When you get to the end of your rope, tie a Knot and Hang on!!! Love to my Family and Friends. And I hope this will give anyone who wanders into my blog a little hope, and a new outlook today.


lestat83301 said...

i agree with you very much mom. you have been a big source of my hope and inspiration you and dad this last year i love you very much.

Joy Heather said...

Its good to see you on your blog again Sharon, and what you have said is good advice..we all need hope and help from time to time...i know i do.