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Friday, February 5, 2010

Dental Appointment Today

Not the best dental appointment I've ever had. I had 5 old fillings replaced and an old one knocked out today. Soooo I have one more appointment to get it replaced. But that's not the end of it. He dropped a tool on my eye and put a big scratch in one of the lenses of my glasses. What do you think?


Joy Heather said...

I think at the very least he should replace your glasses..and even compensate you for the sore eye...if you think about it, it could have been VERY nasty if it had been another inch lower...hope your ok now.

From My House to Yours said...

Thank you for writing Joy. He did pay for the lense he scratched and I am fine. It really looks worse then it was. But your right. I'm glad I had my glasses on. All is good.

Dreamer said...

Sorry you had such a bad time of it! Your new glasses look great! xxxx, sis