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Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Peonies

I have two colors but this is the only one that has bloomed so far. The other is Pink. They are laying down from the constant rain we've had. Anyway I hope the other one blooms. In the meantime I will enjoy this one. So pretty.


Joy Heather said...

That is a lovely one Sharon..i love peonies..we have had torrential rain here the past few days (today is the 1st day of sunshine)it as flattened mine as well, but they do pick up dont they...I love the pink ones..is it a pale pink ??..i really want to get myself a pale pink one...i will go to the garden centre tomorrow.

Dreamer said...

Very nice! They are wonderful!

Me said...

Those are beautiful Aunty, I love them!! :)