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Monday, June 1, 2009

My Birthday

Flowers from Lil Sis and Brother Howard ---Pillow form Sister Kaye ---Hanging Basket from Son Rob

I would like to Thank everyone, Friends and Family, for my Birthday, e-mail messages, blog posts and greetings from near and a far, phone calls, visits, the nice Dinner and the beautiful gifts. You all made my Day so special and I Love you all.


Joy Heather said...

Glad you had a lovely day Sharon..the flowers & pillow are lovely.

Dreamer said...

Happy Birthday dear sister. We love you and wish the very best for you. We have great talks and I thank you for being there for me. You are a very thoughtful person. I want the best for you always. Love, Lil sis

From My House to Yours said...

Ditto Sis. Love you too.