? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rose from Rob

Thank You Rob! This Rose is so beautiful. I don't know if you can read the label but it says. No fading for 2+years. Maintenance Free-No Water-No Light. How can this be? I have never heard of this. Rob says it can be taken out of this tube and be put into a vase and it will last the whole time. How cool is that! I Love it and I Love You my Dear Son.


Dreamer said...

Rob is a sweet guy. He is thinking about his mom, you are a wonderful mom. Love you, Lil sis

Joy Heather said...

That is wonderful..i have NEVER heard of this before, it sounds amazing...it is real isn't it ??..i would love one of those but i dont think we can get them over here..we can get silk ones, i have one of those and it is lovely. but not real ones..that must be so special and unusual.

From My House to Yours said...

Yes Joy. I was surprised. It is real. I will see if we can send one your way. So Beautiful. I Love it.

Joy Heather said...

It is so lovely..no one i have mentioned it to over here in the U.K. as ever seen one..so it must be only in the States you can get them....it as fascinated me..to think it is real and lasts like that in perfect condition.....i would Bath in that stuff if we had it here LOL!!!!