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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Favorite Toys?

I don't know about your pets but ours love their toys however, they aren't really THEIR toys. It's anything in the house that belongs to us, (then becomes theirs) within reason of coarse, like socks, paper,hot pads,towels, whatever they can drag out. They even have their favorite blankets. Anyway, my point being, we buy all sorts of things like balls,chew toys, tug ropes,cat toys etc. and they just lay on the floor in a pile while they LOVE our stuff. Does this same thing happen at your house?


Joy Heather said...

yes my old dog would play tug of war with a pair of my tights (usually new ones)until they were in shreds..so one day i brought her one of those heavy duty dog pull toys, with a huge string knotted handle at one end, it was quite expensive, but i thought she would love it, and give my tights a rest..but she hardly ever looked at it..she much prefered my tights and occasionally my wollen scarfs...they look to be having so much fun...is that a hat they are killing ?? LOL...bless em

Dreamer said...

Martha will take shoes and gloves over anything. She doesn't care if you are still in them or not! Too cute! Love, sis

Me said...

Elizabeth doesnt take anything but her toys. Even if you try to give her something she wont take it. Its kind of weird really, LOL! :)