? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
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Saturday, May 30, 2009


Every year we are lucky enough to have the Squirrels come to our yard to feed. We put up feeders with Corn and one with Peanuts or Walnuts. We haven't gotten the feeders up yet so today we will do that. This little guy and a friend hung out with us this morning while we were having our Coffee. We love watching them. They run up and down the fence checking to see if their food is out yet. I walked outside and he just sat there and let me take this picture. They are not at all all afraid.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Ash, Lots of Love and Big Hugs, Grandma and Grandpa

Monday, May 25, 2009

To Many Posts Today-But------

From the back of the house.

These two from the front.

I had to do this last one. How fast the day changes. Morning was nice. I am letting the dogs out and I see this. A beautiful day then, Mother Nature shows what she's got in store for us once more. It is very windy and getting darker by the minute and we are supposed to have some strong wind gusts. Out our front door I see nothing but dark. Out our back door I see the Sun still trying to shine and just a few dark clouds. But things ARE getting darker and the Sun IS losing it's battle for the day. Anyway a few pics. from this morning til now.

Nice Day

What a pretty day we are having today. The Sun is shining and the wind isn't blowing for a change. So relaxing to be out and enjoying this weather. Have a GREAT DAY everyone.

Virginia Creeper

Little Sis Kerry gave us some starts from her Creeper before they moved here. They are doing well and we love them. Thank You Sis. Jim just now added the triangle lattice at the top so some day they will cover our shed and that's just what we want them to do. We will build new pots for them soon. They are probabably root bound by now. So, Jim will be building the new pots and they will have plenty of room to grow. So pretty.


This is our Mesa, the older of our three Poms. She has been having seizures for the past couple of years but they are becoming more frequent. She had one just awhile ago. I just hold her until she gets through them or sit by her side depending on where she is at the time. We never know when or where. She is a wonderful dog(one of our babies) and we wish she didn't have this illness. It's so hard on her and she's so weak after each one. Taking this picture she is shaking. I have taken her in my hobby room with me so she can relax. I'm trying to keep her calm. I have her by my side while writing this and she is doing better now. I'ts so hard when our babies are sick in any way. You are very loved Mesa.

Square Cloud

I have always liked taking pictures of clouds. This one is very interesting, almost square.

My Snowball Bush

Every year I wait patiently for my Snowball Bush to get to this point. A few days ago they were all still green. Today they are white and beautiful I think the Snowball bush is one of the prettiest. I love it.

Fishing Trip

What a Great day Guys. I had a lot of fun fishing with you. We caught some good ones. Love you both.

Wild Flowers

In the middle of all the Sagebrush and wild grass, we have the prettiest Wildflowers. I'm not sure what they all are but they are beautiful. There are all colors, red, yellow, purple etc. The Desert comes alive this time of year. A beautiful sight.


You will have to look close but here are the pictures of two huge Bucks we saw on our way fishing. We all love our wild life here and are so happy when we have the privelige of seeing them.


A few pictues of the beautiful Sunrise on our way to our fishing hole yesterday. Some are cloudy, taken from a moving Jeep through a plastic widow. I'm not much of a photographer but it was so pretty.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Favorite Toys?

I don't know about your pets but ours love their toys however, they aren't really THEIR toys. It's anything in the house that belongs to us, (then becomes theirs) within reason of coarse, like socks, paper,hot pads,towels, whatever they can drag out. They even have their favorite blankets. Anyway, my point being, we buy all sorts of things like balls,chew toys, tug ropes,cat toys etc. and they just lay on the floor in a pile while they LOVE our stuff. Does this same thing happen at your house?

V.A. Hospital

The last time Rob and I were at the VA. Hospital they were having Graduation for R.O.T.C. We watched and enjoyed for awhile and Rob took these pictures.

Snake River Canyon

Here are a couple of pics. of the Snake River and Golf course in the Canyon. It's so pretty. I took these from the rim on the Twin side.

New Tree

We have always wanted one more tree in the backyard,so we bought a Japanese Maple. I love these trees. They have the prettiest color and leaves. I planted it yesterday. Our ground is like clay-rock, so it took me a couple of hours to dig the hole,which I had to do with a pick. A shovel was not an option. But it's in and we Love it!


This is our little Molly. Whenever I have the water running on the trees, she jumps right in and gets completely soaked. So fun to watch her. However Buddy just stands by and watches he has never jumped in with her. He hates to get wet. To funny.

Our Garden

Small huh? Oh well we have a few things. We are not gardeners but are giving it a try. Wish us luck. We have a small amount of -squash, cucumbers,radishes,artichokes,tomatoes, kohlrabi,broccoli,bell peppers.


We are lucky. We have asparagus that grows wild here and it is so good. You just have to walk along the ditches or walk the Farmers fields, if they let you and there it is. The season from start to finish is about 6 weeks. Do they have it where you are?

Grandaughters Wedding

Awhile back Rob brought a video of his Daughters Wedding and we watched it together. I took this picture off the television of them exchanging rings, my favorite part. Congratulations to you both. Love, Grandma

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Nick. Have the Best Day! Lots of Love, Aunt Sharon and Uncle Jim.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rose from Rob

Thank You Rob! This Rose is so beautiful. I don't know if you can read the label but it says. No fading for 2+years. Maintenance Free-No Water-No Light. How can this be? I have never heard of this. Rob says it can be taken out of this tube and be put into a vase and it will last the whole time. How cool is that! I Love it and I Love You my Dear Son.

Meet Dru Frank

The newest addition to our family. Ashley and Michael's Baby Dru. Born May 6-09 8lbs.3oz. We are the proud Great Grandparents. Isn't he a handsome boy. Congratulations Ash and Michael. What a beautiful gift.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mothers Day Everyone ! Have a Fun & Relaxing Day.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Little Dru has arrived!

Kathy called a few minutes ago to let us know that Ash had the baby at 9:09PM. Arizona time. His name is Dru Frank he weighed 8lbs.3oz. Mama and Baby are doing fine.

The Baby is on the way

When Kathy called,tonight around 11:30 pm. our time, she said Ash had been having some problems. Her heart was racing off and on today and her blood pressure was high. Her water had broken a couple of days ago and was trickling and she didn't say anything to her Mom. They took her to the hospital tonight and she's on atibiotics. Kathy said the babies heart rate is strong and Ash is doing ok, so we are waiting to hear. Impatiently I might add. We have some concern but she's in good hands. However we won't rest until we know for sure SHE and the BABY are ok. I will let everyone know when litte Dru Frank arrives. Our thoughts are with you all. Lots of Love and Hugs from Grandma and Grandma.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Name Change

I can't sleep, to much on my mind tonight. Anyway,I've been wanting to change the name of my Blog to something more inviting and friendly. This is what came to mind. What do you think?

Our Grandaughter

It seems like yesterday when she Gratuated. Now she is married and will be a Mother any day. She will be going in on Friday at the latest. A third Great Grandchild for us. Were so excited. Our Daughter and Son-In-Law are beside themselves. They will love being Grandparents. We will keep you posted. We Love you Ash. Grandma and Grandpa.

15 Min. Storm

By the time I had taken these pictures and downloaded them it was over. In just a few min. we had a fierce wind, rain, thunder and lightening. Mother Nature can't seem to make her mind up. However, today is a beautiful day.


Mom had to have surgery last week. I'm happy to say she's doing very well. They gave her a Rose. Look at her smile. We all Love You mom. You are Beautiful.

Moms 84th. Birthday

April 26th. Our family had a Birthday Party for Mom , Grandma. What a good day. The family getting together to share a special occasion, how nice is that. Mom said she enjoyed her Birthday very much. Thank you everyone! It wouldn't have been the same without you.