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Friday, April 17, 2009

The Worst Day Ever

My Son has just told me that his tests have come back, and they are positive for Thyroid Cancer. Bye for awhile. We are taking a break.


Dreamer said...

I love you Rob! Take care of yourself for all of us. We are here if you need us! Sis I will call tomorrow, take it easy and we love you tons!

Faithful said...

Sorry to hear of Rob's news. I will put him in my prayers. Don't lose Faith.

From My House to Yours said...

Thank You Faith for you kind words. We all will keep the Faith. I will keep everyone posted. Hearing the news, I felt like I could'nt breath. Positive thought will get us through.

lestat83301 said...

I love you very much mom and i am so thankful to have my family. I know i won't have to go throught this alone

Joy Heather said...

I feel i maybe shouldn't comment on this post as it really is a very personal and very much a 'family' thing......but i just want to let you know that you are ALL in my thoughts and i will be praying for You all, especially Rob at this time..i feel for each of you and yet know that faith and a positive attitude...together with all the advances in that area of medicine these past few years will see you through..i hope i am not stepping out of line by commenting on a personal thing like this, but i feel i know you all through dear Kerry..and want you yo know i am sending positive thoughts and prayers to you all...the fishing looked fun..and just the sort of thing you need right now Rob...you certainly caught well that day..take Care..Joy