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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hi Joy! About Abby.

Here's another picture of Abby. She is about six years old. She's the one that fetches, plays dead, shakes hands, high fives. sits up. She was born without a voice. So when she was little we had quite a time keeping track of her. She's a great cat. Very inquisitive.


Joy Heather said...

She's gorgeous and so clever, i have got 4 cats and love them all..but i still miss my old dog Rosie so much..she got on so well with the two cats i had at the time,(still got them)they all used to sleep together. The cats used to come up the road to meet us when we had been out for a walk and they all trotted down to the house together, usually with Rosie in the middle and a cat each side of her.

Dreamer said...

She is a sweet cat! Very pretty!