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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wind, Rain and Snow

This is what we woke up to this morning. At 4:00 this morning we were awakened by a fierce wind. They reported 30mph gusts but we think it was at least 40mph sustained. Anyway,this morning when we woke up it had snowed and now it is trying to rain. The wind is still blowing but not near as strong and we have rather Angry looking clouds surrounding us. Mother Nature is at it again!!! Never mind What I said about the wind getting better, it is getting worse again!!! What are we in for today? UGH!!! It looks like a good day to cook a pot of Potato Soup and stay in and keep warm.


Joy Heather said...

That sounds a great idea Sharon...when its cold & wet..the best place is in the warm..eating comfort foods..sounds my sort of bad weather day,..hope it inproves soon.

From My House to Yours said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Joy. I always like to here from you. This weather has to get better. Mother Nature can't stay mad forever.

Dreamer said...

The wind out her is so bad! I am waiting for the trees to fall. It has to stop so we can go find the lawn chairs and top to the burner!