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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Awesome Picture!

Beautiful eye. Guess Who? I Love this picture.


Me said...

Hey I know her!! And yes, she has beautiful eyes! :)

Joy Heather said...

I actually think they are Dee's eyes ???..from the pictures i have seen of her,... and as 'eyes are widows to the soul' (so they say) i know they must belong to some one kind & warm..they are lovely eyes..so tell me are they Dee's ???.I am sure they are the more i look at them.

Dreamer said...

I say Dee! Am i right? What do I win?

Me said...

Nope, I think they are your eyes Mom!! :)

Joy Heather said...

How wonderful..you both think they belong to each other...it shows how much alike your eyes must be ...are they yours Kerry ??..if not they MUST be Dee's...when do we get to know the answer ??..:)