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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Interesting to Me

I'm not sure what kind of cows these are but I had to get pictures. Anyone know? The odd looking one's always interest me.
The other day I saw a cow that was three different colors. Will get a picture. It was Black from it's head to shoulders, brown from shoulders to back legs the black and white spots to tail.


Dreamer said...

We have seen them too. So pretty! Have no idea what they are, but how great looking they are. Sis

Joy Heather said...

Over here we have cattle that look very similar to that (Scottish Highland Cattle)..they are long haired with huge horns on the males..they come in various colours...but yours may be something different..it would be interesting to find out if they are Scottish ones..but they are lovely whatever they are...i will put a couple of pics of them on my blog in a minute for you to compare.