? ??????????????Reflective Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (7 Ratings)??44 Grabs Today. 2307 Total Grabs.
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Friday, December 16, 2011


What a night! We all have them, but waking up every hour is ridiculous. I'm so tired. My mind is racing with no particular or reasonable thoughts. I wish it would stop.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Thank My Lucky Stars!

There is so much unrest in the world, and so much devastation right now. The Earthquake in Japan, Lybia, and more. It just seems to go on and on. Mother Nature has not been good to anyone this year. On top of that, some of my family and friends have been in the Hospital at least once and sometimes multiple times, including me. My Son, My Little Sis, My Mother-in-law, and others. We are all trying to mend. And for me at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And I hope that everyone else is getting better too. We have all struggled this year, it's been rough for everyone. But I want to Thank My Lucky Stars, that we are all here and we all have each other. And I want to thank my Husband for everything he does for us. Spring is coming and things will change for the better. I think we are the lucky ones. We have food, water, shelter, our cars to get us around and jobs. I guess I'm feeling a bit philosophical, but I just wanted to say, That all in all through everything. I Thank My Lucky Stars tonight. To all my Family and Friends. You are in my thoughts daily. Goodnight everyone. Luv and Hugs!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ty Herndon - Journey On

I want to dedicate this to my Daughter Kathy, My Son Rob, My Lil Sis Kerry, My Friend Vanessa, and to anyone of my other friends and family who I have not mentioned who have a debilitating Desease. You are thought of every day. Hugs to all!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Milton singing "The Man Song" by Sean Morey

I saw this on Facebook and had to post it. So Funny!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Poor Guy!

We have a room in our house considered a Hobby room , a go to relax, watch TV, rest and just get away room. Last night while watching TV my Husband fell asleep in there, so I left him and went to bed. What I didn't realize is when I went to bed I locked him in there. Last thing I do is check all the doors before going to bed and lock the house up. He said he woke up and banged on the door. Our bedroom is at the other end of the house. I didn't hear him, I swear. Anyway, he found a key in his pocket that he didn't know he had and let himself into the house. Sorry Hon. I will try really hard not to do that again. Love you! Mood indicator, forgetful fits me to a T.